Preparation time: (not including marination): 10 minutes
Cooking time:10 minutes
Since its winter and probably not the best time for a BBQ in the garden I thought I would bring it indoors and make some grilled skewers. I've seen a lot of skewer recipes but never a chicken and chorizo one so im going to take credit for this creation. Its very easy to do but looks quite impressive and a perfect recipe to be brought out again in the summer. It does take a bit of preparation as you have to marinade the chicken, the longer you do it the better it will be but make it at least a couple of hours.
- 2 Chicken breasts
- Chorizo sausage
- 1 Red pepper
- Bamboo skewers
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1½ teaspoon of all spice
- 1½ teaspoon paprika
- 1 teaspoon ginger
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
- ½ tablespoon chilli sauce
1. Cut the chicken into chunks and place in a bowl. Coat with the honey, all the spices and chilli sauce before leaving in the fridge to marinade for at least 2 hours. let the bamboo Skewers soak in water, this will ensure they don't burn during cooking.2. Slice the chorizo and peppers into large-ish chunks remember the pepper will shrink when cooking so they need to be large enough to stay on the skewer.
3. Thread the chicken, Chorizo and peppers onto the skewers. It's best to have a slice of chorizo, then some chicken and then pepper and so on. There should be enough to make at least 4 skewers.
4. Place them under a hot grill for about 10 minutes but keep checking and turning them. Serve with salad or wedges. Enjoy :)
Use them on an outdoor BBQ, pre prepare them and then just throw them on the grill with everything else.
Feel free to add any other vegetables to the skewer cherry tomatoes work well, as does chunks of onion.